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October 12, 2021

12 Day Reset

Much has been said about it taking 21 days to develop a habit or that after 30 days you can really make a change. Well in my world, when I put a little effort forward, I expect immediate results. Hence the reason for my little post 4th of July fasting regime that I rant about in our most recent podcast (itunes, android/pc) of trying to get it dialed back in.

I wanted to share something I’m playing with currently which is a 12 day weight loss challenge. What? Weight loss? Not something I typically talk about but lets be real for a second, some times we just want to hit a number on the scale and for the sake of competition I wanted to give it a go.

As background I was 196.6 post 4th of July which is about 5 lbs heavy for me. I was talking to another client and he mentioned how he hasn’t been under 190 in years. Needing a push, I challenged him to a race to 185 lbs. This coincided with the trail race that we’re doing over the weekend which served as additional motivation.

Three things magically happened 1) I was motivated after the holiday to lose the belly and 2) I had a competition which always helps accountability and 3) a performance objective which was to be lighter so I have less to carry when I run.

Here’s what I’m saying - Long-term goals are amazing but they are also mostly overwhelming. You can skip the booze and sugar for one weekend and crush some health improvements in 12 days without being overwhelmed by engaging in a 30 day challenge. If the positive changes last - great. If not - well, you know what you need to do.....

Enter the August Life Challenge here at 2020. It’s only 12 days and it starts August 12th to coincide with the start of the school year and everyone getting their health back on track.

If you’d like more information/to sign up - please find that all here.

As I write this I have 3 days left in the challenge so I’m hoping to not count my chickens before they hatch but I’ve found incredible focus and ‘intensity’ with the challenge and am excited to use these ‘resets’ as needed throughout the year to get back on track.

Here’s to you doing the same!!


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