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January 13, 2022

December 2021 Newsletter


In December of 2019 I made a promise to not only our team but also to our community. And I failed at that promise.

The objective in 2019 was to 1) put all our full-time people on salary (which we accomplished) but also 2) provide our team health benefits. We were able to provide a moderate monthly health ‘stipend’ however construction going 25% over budget (that’s actually good if you’re ever done a project) and then this whole thing call Covid really set us back that objective.

Which is why I am STOKED to announce to you all that starting in January, we're finally able to provide our team full health benefits.

Why is this important to you? 1) You care about the people who work here, same as they overtly care about you 2) This means we can keep and recruit talented people who get to wear lululemon for a living and help you be your best self.

Lastly it means that I am beyond grateful to you for your support as I selfishly get to watch amazing people continue to do an amazing job day in and day out.

Freaking thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is a dream come true.

Happy December


Finish The Year Strong!

Thank the Lord you don't need to hear me sing but if you can sing the 12 days of Christmas song quietly to yourself right now, you'll get the idea for this month's Shred.

Each day we're going to add a new layer to the program with the goal of hitting all 12 elements, or at least most of them on our 12th day which happens to be Christmas Eve.

More info below!

December Shred

2nd Annual Row 4 Dough

We're back to raise money again this year for high school aged kids who could use a leg up and the connections they benefit from by engaging in summer internships through Beyond Your Block.

It's pretty simple - The more you row, the more internships we can help create. Recommended donation is $1 per 100 meters. I'm planning to put in a nice 10k row which will give me a sore butt and the organization $100.

More about Beyond Your Block here

Row 4 Dough Sign Up

Amanda Is Crushing Social Media!

I want to give some major kuddos to Amanda who has been running our social media the last couple of months and doing a million times better job than I ever attempted.

If you don't follow us on the Social Medias - It's high time you get in on it.

And if you haven't seen the "how to pick up after yourself" This is hilarious from Kenzie and Peyton.

Give or Take Referral System

First I want to give a shout out to our top referrers throughout 2021 (all referred 2+ people). You guys are amazing:

Joe O'Connor​. ​Ali Panos​, ​Chris Ehly​, ​Kama Moseley​, ​Adam Zaiger​, ​Andy Metzler​, ​Brady​ & ​Jill Crawford​, ​Chad Taylor​, ​Clayton & Nikki Wood​, ​Curt McDonald​, ​Danny Spencer​, ​David Peal​, ​Dennis Ehrich​, ​Gus Sonnenberg​, ​JJ Johnson​, ​Joe Watt​, ​Julie Ehly​, ​Karen Pritchard​, ​Katy Forrest​, Lyn Zeller​, ​Marissa Steele​, ​Matt Benge​, ​Ryan Flurry​, ​Sara Rhodes​, ​Seth DeCamp​, ​Todd Harris

Second of all we want to change things up - We have long given YOU a free month when you refer someone to join 2020FIT. We want to change up the incentive as we know sometimes it's hard to get someone in here.

So - You can now give your free month referral to your friend/family so they have one less excuse for joining.

You get the benefit of another buddy and they get the benefit of saving a little cash when they first get going! When they sign up just give us the heads up and we'll take care of it!

Disclaimer - If you see something on this guide and you feel like you need it for yourself, you're an adult and are free to do so :)

1. Continuous blood glucose monitor. Seems like a silly 'gift' however the data you'll get back is incredibly valuable as it relates to your overall health. If you want one, let me know.

2. Ruck plates. One of my favorite things lately is the 20 lb plate I keep in my Backpack for lugging around and for going on walks.  

3. Books I've enjoyed the last 6 months: The Push (Tommy Caldwell). The Road Less Stupid (Keith Cunningham). Thank You for My Service (Mat Best). The Comfort Crisis (Michael Easter). Liferider (Laird Hamilton). One Man's Wilderness (Sam Keith).

4. Take your family or friends to "Game Show Battle Rooms" (105th and Metcalf). Kenzie took our team and it was a BLAST. Off the record I'd recommend alcohol be involved to make it even more hilarious :)

5. Random: Juicer for celery juice. For the car: Jumper cables & First aid kit.

6. Give the gift of fitness (see above). Actually that's a lie. Give the gift of community with the bonus of fitness.

Need Easy, Good Food?

I've been using Beloved KC the last couple of months and it has saved our family that night or two per week where you don't have food and typically resort to something in a box or carry out.

Give them a try (orders are due by EOD Friday's and delivered Monday's) and you'll get $20 off per order using the code "2020FIT".

Quick Health Tips

Here are 3 things that I'm seeing MUCH success with lately with clients and encourage you to potentially give a try:

1. Stop eating earlier in the day (cut it off by 4 or 5 pm)

2. Protein keeps you out of trouble - Eat more of it in general - specifically earlier in the day. 10% of your BW in ounces is a great start.

3. Scan more often. Not to obsess over your weight but for the accountability. You are going to slip up - I promise. But by scanning more regularly, you will naturally hold yourself more accountable to getting from point A to point B.

4. Actually four things. Have some freaking cake. :) And don't feel bad about it. Just get back on the horse the next day and follow steps 1 and 2 to limit damage.

Have a gorgeous amazing spectacular month. Thanks for letting us play a role in making your day, and if not making our day, at least making you get a nice sweat :)

Take care!!

Jon & the 2020FIT Team

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