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February 14, 2023

February 2023 Newsletter

Hey There Chiefs Kingdom!!!

I get asked all the time if the start of the year is gangbusters for us at the gym with all the New Year's resolutions in front of us and the holidays and their gluttony behind us. Here's what we see happen every year: our existing clients get a little re-ignited and become more consistent (thank you!!). And then we won't see much inflow until the New Year's internal motivation wears off, and we realize that we can't do this alone. You can - but man, it's way harder.

So the drum I want to beat this month is this notion of community and how essential it is for all of us to stay consistent. Many people start the New Year, myself included, with a goal or an ambition, but until you have someone to hold you accountable, it's just a dream. So what we can focus on and take advantage of is the abundance of support and encouragement we all get every time we walk in the doors.

All you have to do is walk through them :)  

Have a fantastic rest of your week!!


"Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do" John R. Wooden

We're BACK!! We started our podcast project 5 years ago (here's the first episode), and, as can be life, we got sidetracked along the way. So once a month, we're going to commit to chatting as we always do, but again with the recording button turned on. This month we dig into one of our core values - "Work Hard" which we loosely translate to 'doing hard things'.

Wednesday classes - Super bowl champs = city parade. We're going to have a modified schedule so our team can get to the parade and/or take care of their kids while school is canceled. Enjoy the day celebrating the CHIEFS

The open starts on Thursday, and I'd love for you to participate, and deep down, you'd love to engage as well! I call it my annual physical as it's a great line in the sand for where you are physically. You'll learn. You'll encourage others. And you'll walk away with another layer of grit. The sign-up deadline is Monday.

BIG ask/colossal favor - it could be your one good deed for the day. Leave a review on 2020FIT. We're working on getting better on the interwebs and would appreciate a review (presuming it's a positive one - ha). It's super helpful to anyone considering joining, and you could be why someone gets in here!

What's going on at the farm - Actually - A lot. We're getting ready for chickens and cattle, improving the road, building a shooting range, tapping maple trees for maple water, building a storage facility, getting the glamping sites dialed in, fixing up the old farmhouse, and finishing our spring-fed swimming hole.

That said - come check it out! We’ew having a work day where we'll be planting a ton of vegetation and doing work on the trails. We're blocking off from 10-2 pm and will provide everyone lunch who shows up to play. Kids are welcome but will need to be supervised; however, if you don't mind letting them roam freely, that works great too.

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