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February 8, 2022

February 2022 Newsletter

A Nice Story To Kick off This Month's Note

Two weeks ago we had the pleasure of hosting our late friend's father here in KC. To make a very long story short, his son Michael made an unsolicited investment of $10,000 in 2020FIT before it was 2020FIT. He believed in what we were doing but we were too scared to make it happen. (here's some of the back story)

Nonetheless, his dad, Mario (who is a total legend as anyone will attest who has met him) came down to KC for the first time to see the gym and be put to work. We fed him BBQ, worked him out, hit the sauna and ice bath, and turned him into a farm-hand.

The people he got to meet - He just freaking loved and was so happy to be here. You have that effect on our visitors and new people alike.

My very simple and quick way of saying thank you again.

It's really a blessing to be able to bring in a total stranger (in his 70's nonetheless) and have him feeling like one of the regulars after 5 minutes.

You're all amazing. Have a great Month!


You Miss the Full Send February Sign Up?

Not so much. You can still get in on the Full Send February. It's super simple and will be incredibly effective. 3 days in I'm feeling the difference and enjoying a clean kitchen at night.

Get on it.

Full Send February

The Open Is Coming

The Open - Each year we have participated in the CrossFit games open. This year - We’re taking it in-house. Rather than throwing money to CrossFit (You’re still welcome to sign up if you want to), we’re going to be raising funds for new equipment with the proceeds so you can directly see where your money goes. (one item we want is another sauna!)

Who Does Your Programming?

We are asked often "Who programmed this workout?". Either we're looking for someone to blame or credit. In both instances, that person is Jeremy.

He puts incredible thought & energy into the program that we provide as we realize that even though our facility is pretty good, the people are awesome, and we can coach a thing or two, it comes down to the workout we give you each day.

You're going to be seeing some new programs on the app and we're going to be implementing "Sugar WOD" as the Train app sucks if we're being honest. Plus we'll finally be able to get your PR data over from Wodify!

Looking for something lighter and enjoyable on your social media? Follow us for what's happening and who we're showcasing.

House Keeping Notes:

- Shoe cubbies. Please only use one so we have room for others. I can show you how to put one shoe in a tube if you need help :)

- Have kiddos in childcare? Please take a read of our expectations at the childcare entrance to help keep the place safe, fun, and clean.

- Clean shoes. With the wet weather, please do not wear wet shoes in the gym. It's nasty plus you have cute boots you should be showing off.

Things I'm Loving

- Eat Dirt. I'm re-reading this book by Dr. Josh Axe about building up our immune systems. Something we all could benefit from. Highly recommended.

- Earthing Mattress Pad. We have this on our bed and though the science is not mainstream, the benefits are at least placebo and I've been sleeping amazing which is not something I do well.  

- Magnesium. I've gone on and off this over the years and am currently ON. Here's what I'm taking. Warning, it's like a horse tranquilizer as it knocks you out at night.

- Being Outside. Perhaps insanely obvious but it's relatively 'hard' to do. It's free and just needs to be made a priority. I sleep better. Recover better. Enjoy life better even when I find an hour out of the day to just get outside. January's Shred helped me get over this hump and I want it to stick. (note you can do this in the cold too :)

"More Than a Gym"

Last month I shared the exciting news that 2020FIT is in the process of developing a property 45 minutes from the gym to serve as our official ‘off site’ location. We’ll share more about what’s coming out there in the weeks to come but I wanted to briefly share the WHY behind it.

It's been our intention, not necessarily since day one, but as we have evolved we came to realize that we were providing more than a workout. And that mission only continues by creating a place where we can get out of our day-to-day, connect with nature, leave our phones in the car, get our hands dirty and embrace the fresh air.

It’s been inspiring the last month to see my boys and what they get into being away from a TV or modern amenities.

Kids need this. Adults need this.

And we’re excited to be able to offer a really cool opportunity for our community to hike and bike, camp, and fish and otherwise just screw around in the woods with other people who are awesome and active as you.  

April 2nd is our Country Kick off and we'd love to have you there! (formal invite coming)

Have a great day/week/month & YEAR

Jon & the 2020FIT Team

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