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January 13, 2022

January 2022 Newsletter

Time to Get My Butt in Gear

Quick confession to make - I've fallen off the fitness wagon (hard) the last couple of months. The plan is to use the New Year to get things going - make fewer excuses and provide more reasons for putting my health first again.

Jeremy designed this month's Shred to help do exactly that and I'm excited to take part.

Perhaps you have experienced a bit of the same and want a great kick start? Join me this month - we're kicking it off Monday 1/10.

To stoke the competitive juices, we're giving a FREE weekend in the 2020FIT Adventure Van to the top 3 finishers!!

January Shred

Mark Your Calendars

Mark your calendars for Saturday, April 2nd. We're hosting an event/party/field trip of sorts and would LOVE to have you there. I'll be sharing more info next week but want to make sure you have it penciled in.

We have an amazing team and it’s GROWING!
We're so lucky to have the crew we do and are excited to be adding some amazing new faces.

Stephany runs the front desk and will be the first smile you see in the mornings.

Jason started the coach training process 2 weeks ago - If you haven't already, you'll be seeing him in a class soon!

Joy just started the coach training process officially Monday so please look out for her!

Please join me in welcoming them to our team!!

Subscribe And Save

If you like deals - get on this one. Save some money and ensure you always have what you need. Most of the people I've ever worked with are 1) deficient in protein and 2) could do a better job staying hydrated.

Subscribe and SAVE

Client Directory

We know who you are. But does the person sweating next to you? We want to help you by creating a client directory so you can connect with someone who you may know from class or with someone you didn't realize goes to 2020FIT.

Directory Opt-In

Parting Note

One of my favorite parts of my job is welcoming new people to our team. As a part of our orientation, I take them on a little trip down memory lane - specifically, we take a walk over to my house to see 'where it all started'.

Sure it was humble beginnings however as we look ahead, we will never lose the "we're in a garage" approach as we are always working to make what we have here, better.

This gives our team something to continually strive for and our community something to look forward to. As well as a solution for my constant need for another project :). Of course, we are working to give you a great workout but also be that place where for an hour a day you can escape a bit and focus on the one thing that is often forgotten, yourself.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to play a role in creating this place and working with the team we have who actually makes it happen. We're excited for 2022 and lucky to get to do it with YOU!

Take care!!

Jon & the 2020FIT Team

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