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July 10, 2023

July 2023 Newsletter

Today is a special day - It’s my wife Britni’s birthday. Though she will not love the attention this note will give her, she is incredibly deserving of it.

She’s the chairwoman of the board who our entire team is grateful to have. Though she does a fantastic job staying behind the scenes at the gym and letting us do our thing, she deserves public recognition for her amazing contribution to getting us to where we are.

I’ve often shared this with our team privately as many of the things we’ve been able to do as a business would not have been possible were it not for her.

I want to be specific. As you’re growing a small business, you often plug back in any money you make right back into improving the operation. That translates to "you're not taking any money home" for a good while. And more often than not, you're not only not making money, but you find yourself continuing to contribute your personal funds to make payroll, rent, etc. So though we never had an investor along the way, we most certainly had this angel of an investor.

When we started out in the garage, it was $100 in, $100 invested in equipment. Then it was $1,000 in and we’d invest that in improving the facility etc. Then as numbers started to grow and we had the equipment we needed, that money coming in turned into an investment in our people. Whether it was salaries, benefits, or 401ks, none of that would be possible were it not for Brit having her own career and being able to fund the Rowley household so we were not under pressure to take money out of the business prematurely.

Thankfully I have some better birthday gifts lined up for her than this message, but I wanted our community to know how important Britni has been to making this all happen as no one gets to see all the hard work she does from her office recruiting like a total boss for LHH.

On behalf of the entire team and the community she's helped build - Happy Birthday and THANK YOU!


We do this amazing thing called the Community Takeover each July where we hand over the keys to the gym to YOU and we give our team a little R&R. This year it starts on July 11th.

I’m taking the whole team out to the farm for a day of fence building, shooting guns, chopping wood, playing paintball, ice bathing, blowing stuff up, and Kumbaya team building around a campfire.

What does that mean for you? We have some amazing volunteer coaches who are going to be running classes while we’re out so everything will carry on as usual, except it will probably be more fun for a bit :) You get to pick your own music, adjust workouts as appropriate, and probably be forced into talking to other humans that you haven’t spoken to.

The gym will be open during its normal hours so get your butt in here just the same as you always do.

Other notes:
Yoga = staying the same
SwingFit = staying the same
BurnFit = staying the same
Childcare = staying the same
HitFit = 12:15 Wednesday ON, 6:15 am canceled

Summer Slump, Anyone? Yeah - Me too. I worked out 6 days a week for 18 months straight and then all of a sudden, 'things got busy', and I got sidetracked and started finding excuses. I also started really enjoying ice cream. That quickly turned in to 13 days between workouts. Which I know happens to the best of us. So how do you pick it back up?

Gosh, that is a great question and it comes back to ‘finding your why’ which was pounded into my skull with Doc Ehly during this podcast. I want to get my energy back, mental clarity, and be fully physically there for our three boys.

The system I’m putting in place is once again putting my workouts on my calendar AND telling someone about it. If I don’t do those two things, I can be my own worst enemy, and I’ll be in the same place 2 weeks from now.

If you've been stuck before - it might sound simple but put it on the calendar and tell someone you're going to do it. The power of accountability is huge.

So I'm getting back on the same way I fall off - with a full head of steam. I’ve learned over the years that I’m either ALL or nothing. I dove in Monday with a morning workout and then an afternoon run. I’ll do this for this week to knock the dust off and stop feeling sorry for myself. Then it’s back to a normal workout 6x a week, with Sunday being an active recovery day.

Our last kids camp of the summer runs July 17th - 21st from 8 am - 12 pm. Email Samantha@2020.FITto get signed up.

Tons of information here on all the different layers we've added over the years health wise. Brit pointed out we're missing a bunch so I'll be updated it shortly but it's a great starting point if you're looking to up your health game.

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