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June 7, 2023

June 2023 Newsletter

Doing hard things

"You're meant for it. Bred for it."

It was both awesome to be able to help out our veteran community and to see the shared suffering last week as everyone did some hard things completing the HERO workouts, which again made me realize we’re far more capable than we give ourselves credit for.

Hero week was HARD yet everyone crushed it, and we raised $22,800 thanks to YOU!!

I read a book nightly called "The Daily Stoic" by Ryan Holiday, and the quote from June 4th hit me at a perfect time when I was writing this.

"No one said that life was easy. No one said that it would be fair. Don't forget, though, that you come from a long, unbroken line of ancestors who survived unimaginable adversity, difficulty, and struggle. It's in their genes and their blood that run through your body right now. Without them, you wouldn't be here. You're an heir to an impressive tradition--and as their visible offspring,  you're capable of what they are capable of. You're meant for it. Bred for it."

For some of us, hard is just getting out of bed or putting it on the calendar to get in the gym. For others, hard is laying off on the wine or pastries (me).

So whatever your 'hard' is, keep working on it - we're all in it, but all have our own separate challenges that are not cookie-cutter.

That said - I will always enjoy seeing people sweat and the joy on their faces afterward, knowing what they accomplished, which leads directly to the ability to crush daily life.

Last month I promised I'd be sharing all the things we do in the Rowley household to optimize our health. So in all its glory, you can find a separate post here, as it’s pretty deep once I peeled back the layers of the onion.

From a health perspective, I want to feel great every day (read: 7 days per week), have tons of energy from the first bell to the last bell, and most importantly, for the stage, we’re in right now with little kids, we NEED to have the energy to be the best parents we can be.

The boys are balls of activity, and I don’t want to have to fight to keep up with them, I want to be able to run them into the ground, or at least try.

A lot of what I’m looking at right now is through the lens of raising little people, but kids or not, it’s all the same.

Our time here is finite; let’s make the most of what we have, health or otherwise.

Here’s a great resource to perhaps help you get a little kick in your step and help you value your time.

Lastly - Celebrate with us at SERV Friday (kids welcome). We’ve got a spot + courts reserved to come and play pickleball / hang out with some awesome people.

Thanks for making it a great summer here at 2020FIT!!


Community Take Over

Each year in July we do something truly unique to 2020FIT, we hand the keys over to you, our amazing community to allow our entire team to get away for a day together and allow our full-time team the opportunity to have a great long weekend.

Each year we recruit volunteers who want to guest coach throughout the week - this translates to picking the music, setting a timer, and connecting people. If you're interested in being a coach for a day - you can sign up here!

*Yoga, BurnFit, and Childcare will be staffed as normal.

I mentioned above that hard things are often worth doing. We'd love to have you out for a fun race at Steel Bridge Farms on June 24th!

We've been working like crazy at the farm for the last 6 months to improve the roads, finish out the campsites, improve the trails & get some plants in the ground. Not to mention we finished the trash removal (which only took 18 months).

We're excited to get racers out there again this June and encourage you to test your legs on our 5-mile loop (kids are welcome also + we'll have childcare!).

Come out for the race, stay for the day, and play around on the 288 acres! Sign up by clicking the image!

We think we have a pretty awesome place and want the rest of KC to know. Can you please take 15 seconds and vote for us?

Some Random Things

- The squats potty. It's a real deal. Video above for a great laugh. I won't go without it.  

- Books I've been enjoying lately: Daily Stoic, Scar Tissue, Scars and Stripes, The Compound Effect

- Girl teenage athletes? Train with Kym this summer!

- Ladies yoga night! See below

Girls only program this summer! Please reach out to Kym@2020.FIT to get signed up!

Ladies - Click the image above to RSVP!

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