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May 13, 2022

March 2022 Newsletter

Everyone Needs A Buddy

Last month I had the opportunity to go to Disney World with my oldest son Duke, courtesy of my mother and father-in-law Marilee and Joe. It was an amazing time overall and BY FAR the greatest thing about it was the time I had with my buddy - one on one.

This is a perfect segue into my focus for this month and my encouragement to all of us.

Who's holding you accountable?

Last month I got called out or you might say 'challenged'. Challenged to do 20 classes in the month of February and drop some body fat. I'd let my focus take me elsewhere as of late and needed to get back on track. Though I work in a gym, I often find the excuse, not to work out which is lame, but true.

We pride ourselves on being a 'community' more than simply just a gym and want to make sure we're actually helping make this happen. So for this month's Shred which starts on March 21st (after spring break), we're requiring you to do it with a buddy.

If you need a buddy/connection. That's where we can help. We happen to know everyone at the gym and will help you find someone (other than our amazing coaches) to keep you on it.

For the record, I'm scared to death of all types of rides but my main man Duke helped me rise up. Space Mountain has nothing on me :) I'm hoping you and your buddy can do the same this month with your fitness!

Have a great March!!


March Shred Sign Up

We're going to be out working Saturday on trails, clearing brush and enjoying the gorgeous weather. If you want to get your hands dirty a bit and get a sneak peak before April 2nd, come on out Saturday. Email me if you'd like to help!

New Offering!

Be on the lookout for Burn hosted in our Sweat Room upstairs. It's a full body workout, with the infrared heaters rolling and Amanda keeping you on your game!

March Shred

The sooner you sign up, the sooner you can get started. We'll officially run it from the 21st - 31st however you can take the practices from when you sign up and get going right now!

Get your buddy lined up and get after it! Click the link above or sign up inside the 2020FIT app.

The best of what we offer to those who aren’t able to get in the gym. Want the best programming to keep you accountable? Look no further. Email to sign up.  

Get Back On Track?

Book some time with me or Jeremy to set a course of action. We'll sit down with you for an hour, go over your assessment and drill in to what is going to move the needle for you.

Things I'm Loving

- Raising Men. I have three little guys that I'm hoping to raise well and this was recommended to me for some good lessons from a Navy Seal. It's more than just raising good kids, but expecting the best from yourself your best, and then bringing the kiddos along. Recommended for raising any type of human.

- This is the sleep mask I use. And it's a game-changer. Traveling this last month reminded me how key it is to lock in a consistent night's sleep. I've used this for 2+ years now. It stays on and I can still breathe through my nose.  

- I'm Off Caffeine. Forever. I mean it this time. I know this is a non-starter for many but don't knock it until you try it. Better skin, more consistent sleep, and even energy throughout the day. I'm using Dandelion root and Bulletproof chocolate protein for my morning hot fix. Note: The first week is not fun. This month's shred it's part of the challenge!

Get Your Country On

We would LOVE to hang out with you for the day at the farm. If you're able to make it, please RSVP so who know who to expect.

We're excited to show off the work in progress so we can all appreciate what Steel Bridge becomes down the road. Come out for a day to play, run around, tour the grounds and maybe go on a tractor ride :)

Have a great week and we'll see you soon.

Here's to another 20 classes this month!


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