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May 17, 2023

May 2023 Newsletter

"Sometimes all you need for exceptional results is average effort repeated for an above-average amount of time." ~ James Clear Atomic Habits

It's a funny thing. The more you learn, the more you realize you have to learn. I often wrestle with the notion of how often I should speak out to help and how much of that time should be spent leading by example. I got into this business as I had a lot to say about what it means to be healthy and a handful of tools to help people do so.

Now 10+ years in, I'm finally working to fully utilize those tools myself, which is a lot harder than just talking about it, and prescribing it to others. Next month I'm going to share my diary as it relates to 'all the things I do' to improve my health, so this month, I just wanted to acknowledge the quote below that hit me like a ton of bricks as I know I still have a long way to go and perhaps the best thing I can do is to illustrate the 'knowledge' I have - Is putting it to work. So I've been following that plan, see the quote above to summarize my belief system in all things that require hard work.

'Today, or anytime, when you catch yourself wanting to drop some knowledge that you have, grab it and ask, "Would I be better saying words or letting my actions and choices illustrate that knowledge for me?" ' This is a quote from Ryan Holiday in the Daily Stoic.

Have a great month and see you an above average amount of time :)


Quick public service announcement: If you've been around for a while, you know that I both really enjoy the heat, as well as the cold. Or at least pretend to :)

As we enter summer months, please note, it will get hot outside and therefore, will likely be relatively warm in the gym from time to time. I'm not saying we won't be using the AC but we won't be using it the way you might at home. So - Lean in to it. It's good for you and will help you better tolerate the heat of the summer. To help out - I want to encourage you to up your hydration which translates to water AND electrolytes. Grab some of what we have out of retail (I love LMNT) or just add pink salt to your water.

Thanks for sweating with us this summer! Your health appreciates it!

Click above to sign up or if your'e a 2020FIT member, go into the 2020FIT app and click Menu -> Events to register.

We've been working like crazy at the farm the last several months to improve the roads, finish out the campsites, improve the trails & get some plants in the ground. Not to mention we finished the trash removal (only took 18 months).

We're excited to get racers out there again this June and encourage you to test your legs on our 5-mile loop (kids are welcome also!). Come out for the race, stay for the day, and play around on the 288 acres! Sign up by clicking the image!

I broke up with my phone (technically) thanks to Jeremy. He is now in possession of my screen time password and all the toxic apps that I so love (email, Instagram, Youtube etc) are now off limits after 7 pm. And it's a game changer folks! I don't miss anything AND I can attempt to be more present around the house. Give it a shot if you want to take control back from your phone. Click the video above for a tutorial.

Girls only program this summer! Please reach out to Kym@2020.FIT to get signed up!

Sign up by emailing Samantha@2020.FIT

Click the link above to get signed up

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