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May 13, 2022

May 2022 Newsletter

"Results take TIME. Stick with it."

I started taking these pictures the beginning of the year to have a solid before and after from one month of work that I was planning to put in...

The plan was to share how EPIC my results were on social media after the January Shred - Well I didn't feel they were share worthy as you can see as there is only (barely) a marginal difference from month to month.

To get these 'marginal' results, I've been working out hard 5x a week consistently for 4 months, and though the Instagram worthy before/after is not there yet, the reality is healthy results take effort, and time.

The positives are I'm in WAY better shape since these photos started, feeling as strong as I've been since kids, clothes are fitting better and I know that I have a good base to keep rolling.

What I also know is it doesn't happen as fast as we like - for any of us. So my words of encouragement to you are the same I'm saying to myself - STICK WITH IT and keep showing up.

Appreciate the process, getting to hang out with awesome people, the little wins and the exterior stuff will show up in time.

Have a great month of May!!


Speaking of results - We're taking the month of May off from Shredding and doubling down on June's program.

This go round however I want to know everyone's "why" for participating and what your specific goals are so I can help you accomplish them.

We're going to work on getting leaner through lifting, getting adequate protein, appropriately timing carbs and working on some sleep hacks to amplify your results.

If you want in - Please fill out this quick assessment so I know how to help you specifically. (I'm only opening it up to 30 people so be quick)

It's hot - Let's all cherish it. I've been hearing about a lot of headaches, low energy etc. as we all adapt to the heat. One thing I can promise you that will help move the needle is ensuring your have adequate electrolytes in your system. Buy them in our shop or just add more salt to your food as a starter. And obviously drink a nice dose of water.

Steel Bridge Farms is hosting a trail race Saturday June 25th. If you've done 5k's or half marathons and you want to do an event that is challenging and actually enjoyable - you will LOVE trail running.

The Short Course -  10 miles. Perfect for the first-time trail runner.

The Long Course - This is a 6 hour as many laps as possible for those who want to push their endurance limits.

Forward to friends, family, colleagues - It's going to be a blast!!

Register Here

The coaching staff has been enjoying the Kitch meals the last several months and are excited to offer them to our community. Simply click the link above and enter the promo code '2020FIT30' to get 30% off your first order

Stop by the front desk or email Samantha@2020.FIT to get signed up!

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