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February 14, 2023

November 2022 Newsletter

I've been thinking about what 2020FIT means to me lately with the whole 'turning 10' last month. I absolutely LOVE coming to the gym everyday and it's not because I'm a fitness feen. It's that our people (you) are freaking awesome and people that I want to hang out with on a daily basis. Which is why it's so fun to see people from the 2020 Community outside the gym. God forbid I see you in the grocery store :), but when I get the chance to see you on the other side its really a joy to see health impacting your day to day life. In this month of Thanks I want to share my gratitude for you and the fact you let us hang out for one sweat at a time.


If you been around for a while you will have a very clear understanding that the one constant here is change. Over the last couple weeks we made some really great tweaks, we as in Jeremy, to both the CrossFit and Fit classes. We're incorporating more of what I call "Uber functional training" using sandbags and sleds which are great for rehabilitation, building unilateral strength, and not beating your nervous system up so much. You may not have even noticed but I want you to be aware that a lot of thought goes into our programming so that we are optimizing every minute of your training session when you're in the gym.

We love our referral program AND we want to update it for you and Black Friday. Anyone who joins between Thanksgiving and December 1 AND attends 20 classes in December will receive a FREE month of January.

So you have a chance to refer your friends, get an accountability buddy for the month of December to also get your butt in here, and then you all get a free month. Talk about win, win, win.

Sometimes you need some fine-tune attention to resolve something you're working on. Whether it's a skill, assistance with a tight low back, or that shoulder that’s beat up from too much pickle ball. One on one training is a fantastic way to get specialized attention and it’ll give you a game plan for success in classes.

We are no longer discriminating based on how long you have been a part of the 2020 Community as far as who we give access to pre-pay. In the past you had to be with us for over three years to be able to purchase 11 months and get 12. So if you're bought in to what we're doing and want to commit for a year you can pay for 11 months upfront on January 1 you'll receive the benefit of a free month.

Our team gets to take a break starting at 10:00 am on Wednesday the 23rd which means it’s yours truly getting to coach through the holiday weekend.

My only ask - is please SHOW UP if you’re in town. We've got some great workouts programmed that anyone at any level can complete. And you'll earn your binge sessions.

Selfishly (sorry Brit), I love this time of year as it brings back fond memories of back in the day when I drank a lot more coffee and coached 8 classes a day.

That said, I’ll be very grateful when our team comes back Monday! If you’re in over the holiday, you’ll also get to meet my mom Mary at the front desk! (who goes by ‘Mimi’ to the boys")

Check this out!! If you missed Fitoberfest - You’ll get an awesome recap. If you were there - check out the awesome action!!

Lastly - we love drop ins however we want to make sure you get preferential access Drop Ins over thanksgiving will be $40 vs. the regular $25. Your guests/family etc can reserve here if applicable.

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