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February 14, 2023

November 2022 Shred

Start your New Year - Now.

Why wait until after the holidays to get things dialed in?

We’re headed to my favorite time of the year when food is more than plentiful as is time on the couch, so the goal of the last Shred of the year is to get the ball rolling going in to the holidays.

So starting on Monday, November 7th, and running until Wednesday the 23rd, we’re going to get dialed with two focal points:

1. Skeletal muscle mass is going to be our focus in the gym.

2. Portion control is going to be our focus outside the gym (it’s not what you may think, read below)

We’ve lived through Squatober and it’s been amazing to see everyone lifting. Personally, I want this to keep rolling and I hope there is a small part of you that does too. So starting on November 7th we’re going to keep the weights pumping with less than 10 minutes of additional weight lifting.

“BUT - I don’t want to get bulky.” Me either. I want to be functional and lean. To get bulky requires a LOT of training, sleeping, eating, and a lack of stress. I don’t know many people who can make that happen and even the people who try like heck, have to work VERY hard to make it happen.

An amazing thing happens however, if you put on too much muscle, we can simply dial things back down. So please fear not.

From an eating perspective. Maybe fasting, maybe chopsticks.  

If you can eat it with chopsticks, you can eat it. Simple as that. I’ve long said that I should do a Shred where this is the requirement as it will slow down my speed eating, maybe even force me to sit down and I’m hoping it does the same for you.

If you're more interested in trying out some fasting, I have eating windows lined out for you HERE.

Lifting Program*
5x5, Deadlift, Bench/Pull-Ups, & Squats. Do each movement 2x per week for a total of 6 lifts. Not to exceed 10 extra minutes per day.

*Specific details to come. And you do not need to belong to the gym to participate!

We’re going to keep score this go round to get the competitive juices flowing again and we’re going to throw in 3 lifestyle components that can’t be overlooked. Sleep, hydration, and protein. And then the bonus of trying something new.

  • Eat all non-soup meals with chopsticks (or prescribe to the fasting windows)
  • Lift 6x a week for a total of 10 minutes
  • In bed for 8+ hours (no technology allowed in bed)
  • Drink 40 oz of water prior to 10 am
  • Ladies have 100+ grams of protein and fellas have 140+ grams of protein daily
  • Attend a class UPSTAIRS 1+ during the Shred (bonus points for each one you attend)

Come out for a fun afternoon on the farm! The trails are open, camp sites are ready for a sneak preview and s'moors will get roasted.

Please RSVP if you can make it so we have plenty to go around.

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