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October 22, 2021

R + R Health

The following is a relatively comprehensive list of everything the Rowley family is doing and has been recommending to 2020 Clients over the years, to optimize health. By no means are we experts or doctors. We are just crazy passionate about improving our health to live the most optimal life possible - Then sharing what we learn with everyone who will listen. We're not complete puritans, as we like to 'live our lives', however we try to manage any negative repercussions as much as possible. If you have questions or are interested in private coaching, please feel to reach out to me at

One more NOTE: The objective of sharing this is to help those who are new to the Community to get up to speed. It took us a long time to figure out a lot of this stuff (and we're still learning) and we do NOT want it to take that long for you. Think of this as an accelerator for your health!

Nutrition- Priority Number 1 - Podcast on Nutrition

  • #1 - Eat real food, minimize sugars, grains & anything out of a package
  • Intermittent fasting / Fasting in general
  • Dr. Dom D'Agostino
  • Dr. Jason Fung (the book is "The Complete Guide to Fasting")
  • Dr. Rhonda Patrick
  • GMO / Organic guidelines
  • Our favorite grocery stores
    • Whole Foods (if money were no object), Natural Grocers, Costco, Sprouts.
  • Dairy thoughts: Most people have a sensitivity. Try removing it and then adding it back after a couple of weeks. If you are going to eat dairy or feed to your children, eat grass-fed whole fat
  • Here is the Insta Pot we use that kills a lot of the lectins found in beans and rice which we like to eat :)
  • Sardines - We like Wild Planet
  • Beef sticks - Any type that comes from grass-fed animals. We like Paleo Valley
  • Macadamia nuts - LOVE Royal Hawaiian but they're crazy expensive
  • How we cheat when fasting or when we need to detox (video on my hacks)
  • Ketones - I like Ketone IQ when I'm doing more fasting to help me get over the blood sugar hump
  • Bulletproof Coffee if you're a coffee person
  • Electrolytes
  • MCT
  • Bone Broth - Any brand that is pasture-raised or grass-fed
  • Activated charcoal
  • Gut food - Sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi. Anything that is fermented that does NOT contain vinegar. Start off slow.
  • The three supplements everyone should be taking - Omega 3 (fish oil). Creatine, & Vitamin D (Unless you are getting 2+ hours of direct sunlight every day)

General Health Notes​ - You Can Implement Now

  • Alcohol - Drink on an empty stomach and ensure that you go to bed sober​. Or just drink less. Or quit all together. You'll feel the difference.
  • Turn your home WiFi off at night when sleeping - reduces EMF load - This Electrical Timer will do it automatically for you.
  • Do not sleep with your phone right next to you. If you can turn on Airplane Mode at (note you will not receive calls). Even better turn WiFi off too. Further - if you have a TV in your room, remove it like yesterday.
  • When traveling, bring a little electrical tape and cover any artificial lights in your hotel room
  • Consume caffeine as early in the day as possible. Caffeine has a long half-life (up to 8 hours) and you want as much as possible to wear off before sleep. Most people consume WAY too much of it.
  • Finish all meals within 2 hours of bed. If intermittent fasting, skipping dinner is the best (but hardest).
  • Get barefoot in the grass or sand after a flight, especially when you change time zones. This helps 'ground' you. Sounds hippie but you can do some research at

Things you can buy that will help improve your sleep - Podcast on Recovery

Bio-Hacking - Podcast on Bio-Hacking

Continued Resources That We Enjoy / Recommend Diving in to

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