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October 12, 2021

The 2019 CrossFit Open

Every year we participate in what is called the "CrossFit Open". It is 5 workouts over the course of 5 weeks that every CrossFitter completes - regardless of ability. There is an Rx and Scaled division + Masters divisions. This year the first announcement is on Thursday February 21st at 7pm. We complete the workouts at 2020 on Friday (+ through the weekend) and are starting a new tradition on Friday evenings called Friday Night Lights (more details to come). Way more details here.

Make no mistake, 99.99% of us are never going to 'compete' outside the gym in something fitness related however this is the one time of the year where we truly get to "Test Our Fitness". We believe that anyone can do it, regardless of ability for the following 3 reasons:

1) It's community building. We all do the same workout each week, and we all share the same grievance.

2) For better or worse, it's nice to see how you stack up and what you're capable of

3) You're 100% guaranteed to accomplish something you might have otherwise thought impossible or had reserved for 6 months from now.

There's a ton more information online plus you can see who's already signed up:

We promised a free jump rope to one of the first 20 people to register and low and behold - Damien Janet is our winner. He either has a new Rx Jump Rope coming his way or $50 in store credit. Sign yourself up here and start getting ready as it all kicks off February 21st!

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