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October 12, 2021

What's a typical morning like for Coach Jon?!

There are not many things I'm able to control in my daily life, my morning routine however is one that I keep a firm grip on and sets me on the right path for a successful day. The alarm clock ⏰ goes off at 3:55am. Early yes but it allows me to start the day on my terms. My first activity is chugging 20 oz of water with 2 tbsp of apple cider vineager to wash down vitamin C spray, probiotics. I get my mind moving by journaling what I'm grateful for that morning and highlight my goals for the given day, often looking back on larger goals I've established. I then brew my decaf coffee ☕️ and prep all the fixings which currently include: Brain Octane, Exogenous Ketones, Salt, cinamon, tumeric & pepper. This concoction is like rocket fuel for your brain and keeps me satiated until well into the afternoon (sometimes until dinner). I shower, dress, read for 10 minutes - Something either business focused or 'self help' related. Then it's 5:00am and I'm off to the gym. I have a great workout ️ with the 5:00am class then it's in to my day!

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